Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

The Great Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic has been more and more popular throughout the world as it brings real benefits thanks to the adjustments.

Usually, chiropractic is conceived as the most effective treatment for back pain, but do you know other great benefits of the adjustments?

Chiropractors focus on spine disorders and poor posture. The medical term is called segmental dysfunction due to injuries, inadequate posture or lack of exercise.

Sports performance and Chiropractic Adjstments

international athletes and professional players receive regular adjustments not only to prevent injury and increase their body’s flexibility but also their precision.

For example, the swing of golfers has been shown as more natural and effective by golfers followed by chiropractors.

Spine Flexibility

Segmental dysfunctions lead to a certain level of stiffness like difficulties putting on pants, impossibility to sit correctly or bending forward.

This is very debilitating at home or work, even reducing the quality of daily and social life.

Chiropractic adjustments greatly benefit your personal life, which you can enjoy again.

Pain Management and Spinal Manipulations

Chiropractic adjustments are ideal to treat acute and chronic pain.

They do not only "align" the spine but also stimulate the nervous system to inhibit the pain inputs from the body to the brain in conditions like nerve entrapments or fibromyalgia.

In a certain way, "pain killers" without the reverse effects can provide some medicine.

Headache Relief

Headaches, tensional or cervicogenic, and migraines have terrible effects on people's lives, creating times when they have to do things slower or even stop any activities and lie down in a dark room.

Chiropractic adjustments have terrific results, and people suffering are the most ecstatic about chiropractic. They experienced many sorts of treatments but never had such improvement.

Sleep Quality

Pain or ache continuously stimulates the nervous system, including the brain.

The part controlling awakening and sleep receives permanent inputs and has no time to recover. This severely affects another part of the brain controlling the mood.

In the case of chronic pain, the patient feels even more depressed. Chiropractic helps to improve the quality of your sleep and emotions.


Chiropractic adjustments are not just about getting relief from back pain but also about improving your well-being. You will feel surprised at how better you are after a chiropractic visit.


Florence House,
16 Florence Ave, Orewa

Contact Info

09 426 4545
[email protected]

Mon to Thu: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

© 2014-2025   Orewa Chiropractic - Spine Centre.