Back Pain Due to Poor Posture

The spine is naturally ‘S-shaped, with an arch in the low back called lordosis. This lordosis disappears in a ‘C’ shape if you slouch or bend forward.

Problems begin to occur in the lower back if the lordosis curve is flattened or even reversed for prolonged periods.

If you overstretch the lumbar spine for a prolonged period, the ligaments will ache, and even worse, if you add some twist, you can sprain them, creating a tear.

Repeating bending forward, slouching or doing inaccurate exercises would prevent the normal healing process, creating even more pain.


The discs can also be affected by positions not respecting the lordosis. More loading affects the disc’s shock absorbency and weakens the outer wall. The disc then may bulge, irritating the proximal nerve and causing most grievances.

Posture and Neck

It is essential to keep the head aligned with the rest of the spine and sit back on the top of the shoulders to avoid postural syndrome. Therefore, the cervical spine is not overloaded by the head's weight and would prevent neck pain.

The effects of gravity, poor posture, the weight of the head, or past trauma are many causes of the cervical spine and skull craning, leading to a "Forward Head" syndrome, in other words, the forward displacement of the head. The chin should stay on the top of the shoulders and chest, not creating pathological tension on the spine, which hurts. Correct head positioning is crucial to proper spinal function. When the head is leaning forward, it can add up to 15 kg because of abnormal leverage, provoking severe suffering on the cervical spine. 


Incorrect posture when the head is leaning forward may cause severe discomfort and pain, restricting the range of motion of the cervical pain and then leading to headache or even numbness or tingling in arms or hands. It can also affect the biomechanics of the shoulders, limiting the upper body to deal with modern life.

Good posture protects you against back pain and improves your overall health and appearance. Good posture protects you again back or neck pain, but it also improves your general health and appearance. It is essential to keep a full function of the cervical spine by correcting the posture and imbalances, exercising regularly and visiting your chiropractor, who will provide all the advice you need.

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